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Mash Burnedead and the Wolves of Magic is the eighth episode of the Mashle anime.


After Mash and Lance defeat Olore and Anser of the Magia Lupus, Abyss appears before them to collect his comrades, leaving behind a disturbing atmosphere. Mash discusses the future with Lance while baking cream puffs when Lemon rushes in. It seems that Tom has temporarily lost his ability to use magic. That night, while Mash and his friends explore the school to unravel the mystery, they discover a strange-looking Lemon....


Rhodes Eamus, magma master from Orca dorm, faces Abyss. Abyss have heard that for an Orca, Rhodes is surprisingly aggressive, but defeats him without any problems and takes his gold coin.

Lance explains that Magia Lupus has strong members and doesn't wish to wait to be attacked, however the school hides the locations of the dorms to encourage inter-dorm competition, so they first need to find their dorm location and then take their gold coins. Lance wonders if Mash is even listening him, since he is making cream puffs, but Mash confirms. Lemon then rushes in, stating there is a problem with Tom.

Tom dreams of being in a box

Tom dreams of being in a box

She takes them to the infirmary, where Tom looks a bit drained. Tom doesn't remember what happened and explains that he woke up in the infirmary. He usually doesn't dream, but this time he dreamt that he was trapped and stuffed in some dark box. He is overall fine, but seem like someone sucked out his magical energy as he almost doesn't feel any energy and can't use magic at the moment. Lance sees many other students also there, and Tom explains that they too have temporary lost their magic. Lemon gives Mash a lucky charm she made, calling it Creamy and tells Mash to always keep it with him, even when he sleeps.

Lemon turned into a puppet

Lemon turned into a puppet

That evening, Mash and Lance go around school in the dark. Dot and Finn joins them, since the first wants gold coins and the second is afraid to be left alone. They see Lemon walking around too, but Lance feels something is wrong. They quickly manage to hide as Lemon turns, revealing that she is a puppet. They follow her to a dead end. Finn and Dot hear some wood cracking and get scared. Lance then uses Disclose, revealing a hidden magic door on the ground. Dot uses his magic to blow the door open, but it has no effect. Mash then takes a knights armor and uses his sword to create a leverage, and opens the door with ease.

Shuen using his Rose Whip

Shuen using his Rose Whip

Proceeding through the door, they reach an arena. Shuen Getsuku from Lang dorm then shows up, explaining that this is an ancient arena used for duels and that he is here at Third Fang's request to eradicate intruders like them. In order to proceed, they need to wager coins and challenge him. Dot decides to go against him, since he hates handsome guys. He asks Shuen if he has a fan club and Shuen confirms. Mash and the rest the feel a jealous rant is coming, and true to himself, Dot starts ranting how he is living his dream and that he will kill him. Shuen then uses Rosewhip and prepares to fight Dot.

Meanwhile, Wahlberg Baigan is summoned at the Bureau of Magic. The Bureau Minister then tell him that six of death row's most notorious inmates have escaped from Hecatrice, and were assisted by Innocent Zero.

Dot attacks Shuen with his magic, but Shuen blocks it using his Rose Whip. He knows that they defeated Silva, but states that while he is double liner, having magic capacity is worthless if you can't use it right, and that he is much stronger than Silva. Dot decides that he can't lose then and uses Explomb Bomb, placing bomb marks around Shuen. Dot explains that this is conditional magic and has five times the explosive power than usual, so he should be careful where he steps. Shuen doesn't think he will fall for his traps, but Dot is 100% sure he will and laughs. Shuen attacks Dot with his Rose Whip, managing to grab Dot and uses Stab, creating more thorns and piercing Dot with them. Shuen then prepares to fishing Dot and uses Drop, lifting and trying to slam Dot to the ground. In that moment, Dot states that he never said anything about stepping on the marks and as the Rose Whips is above the marks, it activates and blows it up, shredding the whip and releasing Dot, who then explains that Explombomb is just a time bomb. Dot then activates the remaining bombs around Shuen, being sure of his victory. Dot then sees that Shuen had struck an attractive pose, even in his defeat.

Wirth facing Lance

Wirth facing Lance

They have defeated Shuen, but the group then starts sinking into the ground and ends up being split and released in different rooms. Lance faces Wirth Mádl, who notes that he was more interested in facing Mash. Wirth then introduces himself as the Third Fang from Magia Lupus. Dot and Finn end up in a room with Love Cute and Milo Genius, who introduce themselves as the Fifth and Fourth Fangs. Seeing that they are double liners, Finn believes they are already done, but Dot tells him to not give up before he even tries. Mash falls into a room with Abyss, who introduces himself as the Second Fang. Abyss states that he was impressed by how Mash moved the other day, but he noticed it back then that Mash can't use magic. Mash panics, trying to say that isn't true. Abyss states that he is like him and likely he has reason to be here, but Abyss also has is own reasons, and the two prepare to fight.

Episode Notes[]

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Manga & Anime Differences[]

  • In the Anime, Dot tries to open the hidden door with A spell. In the manga, this doesn't happen.


