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A Magic Mark is a symbol of someone's ability to use magic. The more amount of marks they have, the more magic power they possess. It is possible for an individual to increase their number of marks through training (e.g. Finn Ames, Lance Crown, Dot Barrett). Those who have three marks are able to unleash more power than those who have two, as well as being able to awaken a wand's true form. If someone is born without a mark, they will be "expelled from the gene pool" as they show no potential for magic. As well as being scorned and chastised by society, often getting executed.

It is possible to receive an artificial magic mark which grants the user more magic power. Abel Walker is a case where he was given an artificial third mark as part of a deal with Innocent Zero. It is currently unknown which member gave him the mark or how they did it. Abel's artificial mark is different to Mash's fake mark. Brad Coleman described Mash's mark as a scar that was indistinguishable from a magic mark, meaning that it did not increase Mash's power in any way.


Single-liners are the most common type of Magic Mark, this means they only have an average amount of raw magical power. As such, most are ordinary civilians or serve as non-combative personnel. Most people are born with one magic mark. Despite their smaller magic capacity, single-liners can be stronger than the average double-liner through their skill with magic.


Double-liners are rare and highly sought after, numbering only 1 in 100,000 people. Many double-liners attend prestigious schools like Easton Magic Academy, Saint Ars, and Walkis Magic Academy. They possess a significant amount of magic power, with a greater magical capacity than single-liners, as they are said to have being chosen by magic itself. Only skilled double-liners are able to cast Secondth spells, a high tier magic.


Triple-liners are described as beings chosen by the gods, numbering one in several million people. Having three lines means you have immense magical power, and in some cases, so much it cannot even be calculated. Having three lines makes the user able to harness a wand's true form called a Summon, which grants them to call upon a god's strength from their wand. Its stated that even a basic spell casted using a Summon is comparable to a Secondth spell. Depending on the user, a Summon can cause their personal magic to temporarily evolve. Only a few triple-liners are capable of performing a Thirds spell, which is said to be the epitome of magic. This ultra-high level magic is incredibly rare, even among the Divine Visionaries. Those who manifest it are sure to go down in history as it demonstrates the power of the gods. Many triple-liner's third mark is hidden until the user wants to activate it.

List of Magic Users[]

Three Magic Marks

Two Magic Marks

One Magic Mark

No Magic Mark
