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Mash Burnedead vs Brad Coleman is a fight that occurs during the Easton Enrollment Arc.


Mash is found in the city by Brad Coleman, and Brad attempts to apprehend him, as he does not have a magic mark. However, Mash's father, Regro, manages to get him home without being captured. When they arrive home, Regro tells Mash to go into the woods and train.

Brad arrives at the Burnedead home and tries to get Regro to tell him where Mash is, but he won't. Mash returns home and stands out side the door, hearing Brad say that Regro knew that they would come for Mash, and that is why he has hidden him. He then hears Brad say that people like Mash should never have been born, and must all be erased. After this, Brad attacks Regro, and Regro shouts out to Mash, telling him to run away.

Mash does not listen to Regro's warning, smashing through the door, knocking one of Brad's henchman out in the process. Mash then attacks Brad's other henchman, Terry, by ripping his shirt off, which he had also done when the two had met in the city earlier on. He then proceeds to slap Terry in the face over ten times, causing Terry to fall to the ground. Regro asks Mash why he didn't run away. Mash immediately responds, saying that they are family, and that Regro is all he has, and while he is there, he might as well 'send [Brad] to hell.'

Brad finds the idea of someone without magic defeating him amusing and begins to cast a spell. He fires the 'Nalcompas' spell at Mash. However, Mash slaps the spell, causing it to dissipate. Brad is shocked, as he had previously used that spell to run off a dragon, and tries again, this time using a more powerful version, named 'Nalcompas Diagorus.' Again, Mash simply bats it away. This continues for some time, with Mash deflected each attack in a variety of ways, but eventually Mash decides to attack Brad. He picks up Regro's wand and throws it past Brad's cheek, sticking it into the wall. This demonstration causes Brad to slump to the floor in absolute shock. Mash then says 'Threaten my family again, and I'll kill you'.

Brad begins to laugh and says 'That was good. Let's make a deal.' He says that as long as Mash does what he asks, he will let Mash's lack of magic slide, allowing him to keep on living. Mash asks what the deal is, and Brad explains that they live in a very religious country, and that once every year, a single student is selected to become a Divine Visionary. He says that all Mash needs to do is enroll at Easton Magic Academy, a magic school, and become a Divine Visionary. He says that this will make Mash one of 'God's chosen' and will force society to accept him. He also says that the only reason he will help Mash is because he wants the money that comes with the title.

Regro says that Mash shouldn't accept the deal, but Brad manages to convince him, saying that if he doesn't accept, he will spend the rest of his life being hunted down. Mash accepts the offer and says that he wants to be able to live in peace with Regro, and that 'if this world won't accept that... then I've got no choice but to crush it... with my fist.'



Fights by Arc
Easton Enrollment
Mash Burnedead vs Brad ColemanMash Burnedead vs Lloyd CavillMash Burnedead vs Lance Crown
Dot Barrett vs SilvaMash Burnedead vs Silva
Magia Lupus
Mash Burnedead vs AbelMash Burnedead & Lance Crown vs Olore and The Seventh FangDot Barrett vs Wirth's HenchmanLance Crown vs Wirth MádlDot Barrett & Finn Ames vs LoveMash Burnedead vs Abyss RazorRayne Ames vs The Fourth FangMash Burnedead vs Rayne AmesMash Burnedead vs Abel, The RematchMash Burnedead & Abel vs Cell War
Divine Visionary Selection Exam
Rayne Ames vs Margarette MacaronMash Burnedead vs Carpaccio Luo-YangMash Burnedead vs Margarette MacaronWahlberg Baigan & Mash Burnedead vs Innocent Zero & Necross ManceMash Burnedead vs Cell WarLance Crown & Dot Barrett vs Sitter Baby